A study in the plants and animals native to, and growing in the Edwards Plateau of the Texas Hill Country. ~ All rights reserved on artwork and photography on this site.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Prairie Paintbrush 9 X 12 Watercolor by Mary Burns

Prairie Paintbrush lives in Central Texas on dry rocky limestone hillsides.  It has a curious habit of being a hemi-parasite.  Which means its roots tap into the roots of other plants to derive moisture and nutrients from them.  Kinda creepy!  But it has beautiful flowers, the colorful "petals" are actually bracts which are closer to a leaf structure than a petal.  Another Paintbrush in our area, Texas Paintbrush, is shown below and prefers more sandy soils or along Texas roadsides.

Plant Files:
Scientific name: Castilleja purpurea
Family name: Figwort Family
Common names Prairie Paintbrush

Prairie Paintbrusn
Texas Paintbrush
Texas Paintbrush

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