A study in the plants and animals native to, and growing in the Edwards Plateau of the Texas Hill Country. ~ All rights reserved on artwork and photography on this site.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March wildflower sampler

With a record warm winter and frequent early spring rains, spring is well under way in Central Texas with the wildflowers going crazy.  Today on my walk I saw at least 23 different species blooming within a short 1 1/2 mile distance.  Here is my March sampler of what's out there now.  I'll be highlighting a few of these in the next few days.

Prairie Verbena

Pink MockVervain
Prairie Fleabane

Wind Flower

Slender-Stem Bitterweed

Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf

Dwarf White Aster
Prairie Paint Brush

Milk Vetch
Drummond's Skullcap

Blue-eyed Grass

Texas STar

Stemless Evening Primrose

Corn Salad
Wild Garlic


Blackfoot Daisy

Standing Winecup

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